Friday, November 23, 2007


I had a very nice Thanksgiving at my sister and brother in law's house. It was just my brothers Joe and Bob, my sisters, Kathleen and Maggie (The Host), my brother-in-law(The co-host), and my niece Mandy (Kendal's Aunt). My brother Tim was working. My sister Patty, her husband Dan, their son Patrick, and ? (Patrick and his previous girlfriend broke up.) are in Puerto Rico on a belated 30th Birthday (Patrick) present trip. (They used to live in Puerto Rico.) Normally, Dan and Patty reside in Lancaster, MA (Central MA), and Patrick lives in Los Angeles. My brother Dan died in June 2006, just two days before Kendal was born. Speaking of Kendal, her parents Marnie and her husband, Mike were at their home in Howell, MI. My nephew Dan, his wife Laura, and their daughter Amy Marie were celebrating somewhere else. They live in Chardon, OH. My niece Amy may be the ? in the Puerto Rico tale. She lives in Boston.

We had the traditional items at the dinner table. It was all delicious. During the course of the evening, we picked names for the Christmas gift exchange. I am in the process of revealing assignments, so don't worry if you haven't received your assignments yet.

Have fun shopping!

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