Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Marnie

I would like to wish my niece Marnie a belated Happy 30th Birthday. Her birthday was on June 8. If I am able to make her daughter Kendal's third birthday party on Saturday, I will see her then. Of course, I will report on the party when I return on Saturday night (If I am not too tired).

I still don't have any details about the cliffhanger of where Kendal and Hayden really stayed while Mike and Marnie were on a cruise to the Bahamas last week. (I guess that the Detroit River wasn't good enough, ha-ha.) I have a theory or two, but you will hear about them only if I find it either on the Kendal-Hayden blog, or if I hear about it at the party or from other sources. You will be informed in my usual humorous style. Tune in to find out.

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