Sunday, December 27, 2009

Maggie's Birthday

We celebrated my sister Maggie's Birthday this afternoon with a lunch at Gracie's Grill on Pleasant Valley (near Broadview Road) Road in Parma, OH. The participants were Kathleen, Mike Schabel, Bob, myself, and of course, the birthday girl. Maggie discussed the Christmas celebrations that she and Mike attended for those who weren't in attendance. Kathleen discussed her post Christmas shopping. Bob, Mike, and I contributed to the conversation while looking at the Browns game that was being shown above our table. It was a nice meal.

After lunch, we went back to Mike and Maggie's house for cake. It was a nice white almond cake. When halftime approached, the three guests left. On the way home, we stopped off at Marc's ( for some supplies. We then came home and watched the Browns win. (Kathleen went home before the game ended.)

About half an hour after the game ended, I went to Taco Bell and had dinner. I picked up food for Bob's dinner at Taco Bell and food for his dinners at work from Arby's. I then picked up supplies from Dollar General. I then came home and watched the Eagles beat the Broncos. It was an interesting fun-filled day.

Friday, December 25, 2009


The day started at St. Leo's Church on Broadview Road in Cleveland, OH for 10:00 Mass. The attendance was very light, but those in attendance enjoyed an interesting homily about Christmas traditions. Father O'Donnell mentioned some classic movies such as It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, and Christmas Vacation. He said no matter how you celebrate Christmas is okay, but don't forget Jesus. (It's a paraphrase, but it is true. Father O'Donnell also didn't mention illegalities.) A short time later, Bob, Kathleen, and I brought up the gifts. Bob handled the money. Kathleen had the water and wine. I had the bread (Host). Father O'Donnell accepted the gifts and wished us a Merry Christmas. (There was a slight delay since he had no server to help him.) The Mass went on as usual with no major changes. Father O' Donnell ended the Mass with an amusing followup on the Homily. His amusement continued even after he was in the back of the church. I wish I could remember all the things that he said, but the point is memorable.

Shortly after Mass, Kathleen and I left for Maggie and Mike's house in Parma. (Bob was drafted to work.) We enjoyed ham, cheesy potatoes, corn, baked beans and sausage, salad, and various other accompaniments/appetizers. We also enjoyed desserts such as cheesecake, key lime pie, nut roll, and a few other desserts that I skipped. They're not my favorites, but I was full anyways.

Between courses, we opened gifts (At least, some of us). Most of the gifts were for Kendal and Hayden. Unlike most young kids, opening presents did not excite them. Tomorrow, they will open up more gifts at Mandy and Paul's. (They were both "present" for today's celebration.) Maybe, there will be more enthusiasm. Also, I hope that there is an entertaining report on the Kendal-Hayden blog about Christmas (All celebrations).

It was a nice event. Besides the people whom I have already mentioned, Tim, Lois, Mike Schmidt, and Marnie were also in attendance. Christmas dinner will be relatively boring. I'll let you know what I ate after I ate it.

In closing, the Gift Exchange names will only be available to the regular participants this year. They can e-mail me if they are interested. After about a week, I will send it in a small (or large) group e-mail. I'm sorry for the change in procedure.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Paul and Mandy's Anniversary (and One Other Item)

I forgot to do this on their actual anniversary, but in this case, it's better late than never. My niece Mandy and her husband Paul celebrated their first anniversary on December 18. I hope that they enjoyed the present that Bob and I gave them. I expect to see them on Christmas. I did not see them on Thanksgiving or at the Schmidts' visit to Maggie and Mike's house two days later because they were on their belated honeymoon in Florida.

Speaking of Christmas, my gifts have been purchased since December 10. I just have to mail them or directly give them to the recipients. It shouldn't be too complicated.

My next report will be on or after Christmas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving and the Schmidts' Visit

Thanksgiving went smoothly at Maggie and Mike's house. We had most of the traditional fixings. The food was tasty and plentiful. Bob and I left with a lot of leftovers that are mostly finished now.

We had a nice group of people to enjoy Thanksgiving. Our participants included Kathleen, Joe, Bob, Maggie, Mike (Schabel), Aunt Rita, her son Johnny, and myself. It was nice to see my aunt and cousin again.

After Aunt Rita and my cousin left, I performed the Christmas Gift Exchange. The people who were left (Joe was gone at this time because he was under the weather, but he chose his person before he left.)picked names out of a hat for themselves and for those not present. Each person buys for only one person with a $45-$50 spending cap. In general, submissions are e-mailed to me, and I send them to their person. We have been doing this since 1990. We have gained and lost people over the years, but one thing hasn't changed. The fun in shopping has continued (for most of us).

Another fun event occurred on Saturday. The Schmidts came over to Maggie and Mike's for Beef Rotini, (Some people may call it slumgullion, which is a watery meat stew. Noodles, pasta, or anything else were not specified. I learned all this in the dictionary. Until now, I would have spelled it with an "n" instead of an "m".) corn, rolls (cinnamon and Pillsbury Grands), and various pies. It was good to see Kendal, Hayden, and their parents again. Other participants include the Thanksgiving group (Minus Bob, Rita, and Johnny) plus Tim and Lois. It was a fun experience. I hope Christmas and Maggie's Birthday are as much fun.

Until next time, have fun shopping!