Sunday, December 27, 2009

Maggie's Birthday

We celebrated my sister Maggie's Birthday this afternoon with a lunch at Gracie's Grill on Pleasant Valley (near Broadview Road) Road in Parma, OH. The participants were Kathleen, Mike Schabel, Bob, myself, and of course, the birthday girl. Maggie discussed the Christmas celebrations that she and Mike attended for those who weren't in attendance. Kathleen discussed her post Christmas shopping. Bob, Mike, and I contributed to the conversation while looking at the Browns game that was being shown above our table. It was a nice meal.

After lunch, we went back to Mike and Maggie's house for cake. It was a nice white almond cake. When halftime approached, the three guests left. On the way home, we stopped off at Marc's ( for some supplies. We then came home and watched the Browns win. (Kathleen went home before the game ended.)

About half an hour after the game ended, I went to Taco Bell and had dinner. I picked up food for Bob's dinner at Taco Bell and food for his dinners at work from Arby's. I then picked up supplies from Dollar General. I then came home and watched the Eagles beat the Broncos. It was an interesting fun-filled day.

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