Sunday, August 14, 2011


I was at St. Leo Church on Broadview Road in Cleveland yesterday for 4:00 Mass. Nothing really special occurred during the Mass! After Mass, however, Father Lowe's dog, Napoleon came from the sacristy to the back of the church! It was probably the biggest dog that I have ever seen!

It wasn't my first time seeing Napoleon, though! I was at the Rectory looking for Gloves that I had lost while buying Girl Scout Cookies a few months ago. Before anyone waited on me, this big dog came up to the counter to "handle the task". Unfortunately, the gloves were not there! I should have put the gloves in my coat! If I weren't handling money, the gloves would probably be on my hands! The cookies were delicious, though! The first two boxes were not a problem. The third box was infested with ants, so we did not enjoy the cookies! They were Samoas! We were looking forward to them.

By the way, I enjoyed seeing Napoleon! I hope that the older couple that were in Napoleon's way weren't too startled. I refer to them as "Electric Hair and Aunt Joan", but they are really Dick and Loretta! They were Eucharistic Ministers at one time, but they "retired" from the position a few years ago! I enjoy seeing Dick and Loretta! I have seen them outside church a couple of times, but since I don't have a social relationship with them, I didn't bother them.

Next time, I hope that Napoleon appears during Mass!

1 comment:

Twisted Sister said...

Next year, put the Girl Scout cookies in the freezer!