Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday to Bill's World

On July 31, 2007, this blog began!  It started out with some of my interests because only two people knew about this blog from the beginning.  One was my brother Bob.  The other person was my friend Nancy Wolfinger, who is the Teen Librarian at the Parma-Snow Library.  She was told about this blog because I was telling her about a blog that my nephew-in-law Mike and niece Marnie were writing about their first child named Kendal (My oldest great-niece).  Since she did not read blogs of people that she does not know, I created this blog to tell an occasional story about Kendal.  I also had a two month old great niece at the time as well named Amy Marie, whom I had not met yet.  (I met her in October 2007.)

By October 2007, my immediate family knew about this blog, so my focus changed.  Since my interests were not that interesting, I started telling stories about family events.   My audience was not huge yet.

Eventually, I started putting my posts on my Facebook page.  My audience has expanded.  I have enjoyed the feedback.  Unfortunately, there has been some"spam" comments that I deemed inappropriate, so I did not publish the comments.  (These predated the Facebook era.)

In general, I have enjoyed writing this blog.  I hope to continue this writing indefinitely.  As long as my family stays interesting, I will keep having fun.

Until my next post, enjoy life.        

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