On March 15, Bishop Roger Gries came to St. Leo the Great Church on Broadview Road in Cleveland to confirm the Eighth Graders of the Day School and Parish School of Religion of the Parish. I arrived as Bishop Gries was addressing the Candidates before Mass. It was amusing! Fr. Jim Schmitz, Pastor of St. Leo the Great Parish, then welcomed the congregation with an advisory not to take pictures during the Mass. He also mentioned that a professional Photographer would be taking a picture of the Confirmandi with Bishop Gries. Fr. Schmitz asked us not to interfere with this picture. Pictures from the "General Public" were welcome after this picture was completed.
After the Opening Song, a student welcomed us to the Confirmation! Bishop Gries was the main celebrant of the Mass. The Mass was relatively traditional. Two of the Candidates read the First and Second Readings. The Responsorial Psalm (between the readings) was sung. After Fr. Jim Schmitz, Pastor of St. Leo Church, read the Gospel, he presented the Confirmation Candidates to Bishop Gries. Bishop Gries then gave the Homily. It was a brief summary of Biblical Events. References were made to Adam and Eve's Sin, Noah's Ark (Bishop Gries announced that God revealed for the first time that his son will be coming as a result of the events in the time of Noah's Ark. I believe that it was really after Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree.), and Abraham (Until I checked the Holy Bible: Catholic Edition (1961) for this entry, I thought that Abraham came before Noah.). The Renewal of Baptismal Promises followed. The Candidates were then confirmed after Bishop Gries said "Who's First?" The Petitions (Referred to as Universal Prayer) were read by one of the newly Confirmed. The Mass continued as usual, though Bishop Gries sang the prayers between the Offertory and "Holy, Holy, Holy." The Eucharistic Prayer was recited mostly by Bishop Gries, but Fr. Schmitz and Fr. James Vesely (In Residence at St. Leo the Great Parish) recited parts of the prayer. The Our Father was recited. The Mass continued in Normal Fashion. Bishop Gries made a few more comments that led to a Round of Applause with the Confirmandi facing the Congregation. This was the second round of applause during the Mass. There was also one after all the Candidates were confirmed. The Mass ended. After the Mass, a picture of the Confirmandi, Fr. Schmitz, and Bishop Gries on the Altar followed. Bishop Gries offered to stay for individual pictures with the newly confirmed.
After the Mass, I went home briefly. I then went to Qdoba on Broadview Road in Parma for dinner. I then picked us some supplies at the nearby Aldi in Seven Hills. The rest of the evening was spent in relaxation. It was a memorable evening that needed to be experienced in person.
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