Saturday, July 13, 2019

This Blog Still Lives.

While using my primary cell phone, I decided to see if I could easily read my blog.  At first, the effort was successful.  However, when I clicked on the "Web Version" portion of this page, an inactive page went over the blog.  Thankfully, when I hit the "Previous Page (<)" Button, the page re-appeared.  I then attempted a sign-in, so I could write this post.  However, when I tried typing in a potential password, it failed.  I didn't realize that I was signed into my G-Mail Account.  In a strange circumstance, my E-Mail Account for this Blog is from Yahoo because Blogger wouldn't let me use my G-Mail Account for reasons that have baffled me for years.  Also baffling, this is a Google Web Site.  At this point in the process, I realized that I am signed into my G-Mail Account.  I was asked for the last password associated with my G-Mail Account.  The Password space had asterisks because the phone remembered the password.  I clicked on the button that makes the password visible. After clicking the button to sign-in, I finally discovered that I needed to change accounts.  To make a long story short, I was finally able to write this post that took me longer to write than it took to solve the original problem.

I'm Back!!

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