Saturday, September 28, 2013

I Attended a Polka Mass Tonight, but I Won't Be Dancing on the Roof Anytime Soon!

The 4:00 Mass at St. Leo the Great Church on Broadview Road in Cleveland, OH was a Polka Mass because we had the Polish/Eastern Europe Nationality Festival which is a fundraiser for a new sound system for the church!  The Entrance Hymn, Offertory Hymn, the Lamb of God, the Communion Hymns, and Closing Hymn were all set to a Polka beat!  The rest of the songs were performed by Claudia Woolard and the Cantor!  The Lord Have Mercy (Spoken) and the Hosanna (Holy, Holy, Holy) were also available to be performed in Polka Style.  The priest was Father Russell Lowe.  The musical accompaniment was provided by The Polka Pirates, led by Duffy O'Neill.  The music was quite interesting!!  The songs were "Chapel in the Valley," "At This Sacrifice," "We Offer Bread and Wine," "We Come to You, O Lord," "Under the Skies of Blue, "Let the Son Shine In," and "Adio, the Mass Now is Ended."  I did not attend the dinner/festival, so I can't comment on it!  This was a Mass to Remember!

I almost missed this Mass.  My cousin Jimmy and his co-worker Bill came to replace our back porch roof this morning!  They finished just in time to take me to the Mass!  I have not seen the porch yet, so I can't comment at this time!  Perhaps, my commentary will be a Facebook Exclusive!

Until then, enjoy the great weather!