Sunday, June 1, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes

We celebrated Kathleen's birthday tonight by having dinner at Regina High School's convent in South Euclid, OH (A suburb of Cleveland). (For reference purposes, Regina is an all girl Catholic high school with a powerhouse basketball program operated by the Sisters of Notre Dame.) We had roast beef (?), redskin potatoes, green beans, and salad. It was very appetizing. We then had cake and ice cream (What a revolutionary idea!). Cards and presents were opened during the festivities. It was a joyous occasion with Maggie, Mike, Patty, Dan Sr., Bob, Joe, and many of Kathleen's roommates in attendance. (She is a Sister of Notre Dame.)

The title of this posting means two things. This party was quieter than the last two that I attended. I was also the youngest attendee. (I'm 37.)

Despite two upcoming birthdays in my immediate family, I am done celebrating for awhile. Kendal's birthday was celebrated last week, and her mother, Marnie, lives in Michigan. However, there will be brief reports on each of the next three days with two of them birthday-related. I hope that you receive some insight from these posts.

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