Monday, August 15, 2011

Napoleon (Part 2)

I forgot to mention in my last Post that there was a dog reference in the Gospel reading this weekend! Father Lowe then mentioned in his Homily that he and Father Vesely are guilty of feeding Napoleon table scraps! It was quite amusing! I like Father Lowe!

The rest of the homily dealt with getting to know the people who you ask for favors! Assumption came up because we ask St. Mary for things around this time of year! By the way, Assumption is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year since it falls on a Monday!

Unfortunately, I have no pictures of Napoleon because I do not normally bring a camera into a church! However, I actually offered religious education on this blog! I could have written this post four years ago when I created this blog! It would be better than some of my posts back then before I shared this blog with my immediate family! (My Facebook Friends are welcome to read this blog from the beginning! I may put a "classic" post from the Blog Archives on my Facebook Page to show the evolution of this blog!)

Until next time, enjoy the rest of your summer!

1 comment:

Ben Faranda said...

Bill, you are an excellent blogger and keep up the good work. I enjoy your attention to the wonder in the minuitae of life. You show us all how to see the big picture in the details.