Sunday, April 26, 2009

Emily Joy Sweeney (and Friends)

On Saturday morning, Dan Jr. and Laura had their second daughter named Emily Joy Sweeney. She joins her sister Amy Marie, who is almost 2. Hopefully, I will see them in three weeks when Dan's sister Amy marries David in Hudson, MA.

This news was revealed in an e-mail this evening from Dan Sr. and Patty. I was having e-mail trouble, so Bob told me about it when he checked his e-mail. My e-mail situation has improved, so I can share this "joyful" news with my audience.

In other news, Hayden's party is finally on the Kendal-Hayden blog that is linked on the left side of my blog. Party photos including Kendal and her princess costume are featured. One of these days, you may see pictures on this blog (besides the ones from the RSS-widgets that are also linked on the left). Tune in to find out.

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